Happy Wednesday
Good morning sistas!
I feel like Carla is probably posting right this minute, but I'll try and start the thread today anyway.
Today is kinda rainy and cool, but it's supposed to warm up and be a beautiful weekend. I'm glad because it will make the kids' move easier. I hope! Chris is a little upset because Butch and I won't be available for babysitting this weekend. I'm sorry for it, too, but I can't help when I'm having surgery on Friday. The PS is a visiting PS; she doesn't have an office here. I have to work with her schedule. Besides if I'm going to have another surgery, I need to have it done quickly, so it doesn't mess up our vacation.
I need to spend the next two days doing laundry and grocery shopping and making sure the checkbook is all up to date and ready for the 1st next week. All that lovely pre-surgery stuff.
Not much else going on around here today. Piney, I'm so sorry you're disappointed in the results of your neck/face lift! Wow, what a bummer. Can't the docs do something later on to fix that one side? I have a neck waddle, too, but it will just have to be. Butch says I'm beautiful, and that will have to be enough for me. I would like to have my eyelids lifted! Who knew my eyelids would fall down? I think that makes me look older than anything else.
By the way, the desmopressin (medicine for the VW disease) worked great! My numbers jumped up through the roof. Now I just have to figure out if desmopressin is available around the world, or if it is hard to get, especially in a little country like Belize.
Well, laundry waits for no man, right? Time to strip the sheets and start washing. Love you all!
Hi Ive been busy this morning in the mountains 10,000 feet! Im near Canon City Colorado. We r visiting cousins.
It is beautiful here! Im hoping to see some deer this morning.
We r leaving for Chicago tomorrow.
Vickie good luck in your surgery on Friday. You will be excited to see the results!
When I had mine done, I had the lower body lift they took 16 pounds of skin!
My sister had her eyelids done cause her disbetes cause the eyelids to droop! Her insurance paid for it! But if
yours are drooping so low that cant see your insurance should cover it!
I posted Vinnie's 6month picture on my facebook page. Im under Carla Slavin-Klein if you want to friend me!
Hope all is well!
Ihow old is your brother? Jim remembers a mm named Sam who is in his 60s and hevthinks is disabled now.
Jim worked in accounts area. Collecting the money at night. The casinos he worked for eventually closed due to the economy. Jim was also the "Key ". Apparently one of the jobs names and worked nights (evening to closing) maybe that will jog a memory.
Well i have to get going. I am ofc to the gym. Will check back later.
Good Morning Vickie and OFF,
Vickie, I'm praying for your surgery on Friday. I hope the recovery goes smoothly, with little pain.
Carla, safe travels as you head to Chicago.
I'm getting ready to hop in the shower, and then clean the kitchen. After that, I have some work to do on note cards for animals at the zoo. It's for an oral presentation on the animals.
Well, nothing is going to get done if I just sit here.
Albert Schweitzer

Good luck with your surgery Vickie. I am sure you are going to do great.
BTW, your eye/brow lift may be covered by insurance, especially if it is interfering with your visual fields. Your optometrist should be able to evaluate you. Your current PS may be able to give you a look see.
I guess this weekend will be a good time as any for Chris to learn how capable they are in carring for the children. They might surprise themselves andcyou.
Blessings for the day to all my OFF friends.
Hi Vickie and my OFF family:
Trying to have a low-key day today. Doing laundry now, put salsa chicken in the slow-cooker for dinner. Hope to get the Easter decorations out. That's about it ... yesterday was so busy for me, but fun in a way.
I started the day out on way too little sleep. Woke up gagging several times. I may look into getting a CPAP ... see if insurance will pay for it, because this is getting ridiculous. I mean, if they paid for my TENS unit, why won't they pay for my CPAP? That is much more important, I would think.
Anyway, I had a chiro appointment at 11 a.m., so I went there and she did her thing. I have been having tingling/burning sensations in my right hand. She did a complete evaluation on that and my back, then did some adjustments. Somehow, she pushed a little too hard on my left quad and really bruised it ... I have ice on it now, but it is giving me a lot of grief, sometimes burning pain. If it continues to hurt that much I'll go to the doctor about it. She doesn't use one of those tables that go up and down, she uses her own muscles to adjust (I've been to both kinds of chiros). Back feels a little better, as does my neck/shoulders, but I still have some tingling in my hand.
Then I went to Verizon to find out why I can't update my aps on my phone without running out of space. I was there nearly an hour, but the young woman who worked on it did a good job and taught me a lot about my phone that I didn't know. I left at one point to find a restroom and get some more water (I had to do an "exchange"... lol).
In between, I went to Starbucks for a break, Joanne's to get some cloth stick on patches for my new old chair at work and did some shoe shopping for New Balance at Shoe Carnival (an Evansville company) ... the shoes I need would cost $129.99 ... yeah, my shoes are always expensive because I have bad feet, but they last a long time and I only have one pair of shoes. Didn't buy them because I didn't have the money, but I know what I need now. Looked online today and that's the best price I could find. Plus, they often have sales and coupons.
Then I picked up my ex-boss and friend Richard and took him shopping ... he hadn't gotten food for a month, so he filled up the hatchback part of my car with his purchases from Walmart. I got some stuff but not nearly as much as he did, but then I can go whenever I want to; he can't because he doesn't have a car. Then we went out to dinner (he treats because I take him places). It was really good; we were both stuffed but the food was so good ... I had way too much and had to bring a lot home. Good for a snack some time.
Vickie, I think it's time that Chris learn to take care of her own kids, especially if you and Butch are moving to Belize possibly. This will be a good time to start. Good luck with the plastic surgery ... hope it works out how you want. Glad the med worked well for you.
Carla, I love the mountains. Miss them after living in Montana those many years ago.
Can't remember who else posted. Hope everyone is well. I know I don't post much anymore but I usually try to read. Some days I hardly have time.
Have a good day.
Your insurance will cover a CPAP machine if you have documented sleep apnea. You will probably need a sleep study if you haven't had one in the last six months. You will need a doctor's orders so the DME company can enter the settings. If you are waking up gasping for air, you ate having significant symptoms and, while a lot of people think it is nothing serious, it can be life threatening. So, i would urge you to get it taken ASAP.
Isn't the price of shoes horrible. BTW, don't know if you have diabetes, but most insurance companies will pay for one pair of diabetic shoes a year.
Had a great day at the gym... 60 mins, 5250 steps!!! I feel great. Moving better, clothes are getting fatter...lol lol.
I am excited because my niece started to have a few contractions and lost her mucus plug today, so we my have baby Liam very soon. I wrote her text and asked for the baby's cell phone number so i could send him a message telling him it was to come out and play....lol lol.
Well hope you all have a great day.
I had a sleep study last year and have mild sleep apnea; the sleep doc wants me to have a CPAP and I tried one out (with the nose pillows; didn't like those because I'm a mouth breather and it bothered me). But the sleep center didn't think insurance would pay for it even though they thought I needed it. And if they get me one and insurance refuses to pay, I'd be stuck with the bill. And I can't afford that.
No, don't have diabetes. Just bad feet, bad knees, bad back. I don't mind paying that much for shoes because they last for a long time for me (this pair is 3 years old). And they're the only shoes I wear.
Congrats on the new little one's imminent arrival.
Salsa chicken smells so good ... got home from a trip to the grocery store ( I know, went to Walmart yesterday and needed more yet) and opened the door and could smell it ... yum! Sitting here watching a spring training baseball game on my smartphone. Maybe a movie tonight.